News and views from the team at Blue Frog Scientific...
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Blue frog scientific present at SETAC 2015 on the biodynamics of nano-silver
Dr. Kai Paul gives an oral presentation at SETAC Europe Barcelona on “Accumulation Dynamics and Acute Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Daphnia magn...
Kai publishes in environmental science & technology on the biodynamics of nano-silver in freshwater organisms
Dr. Kai Paul releases a publication with co-authors on the “Accumulation Dynamics and Acute Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Daphnia magna and Lumb...
Kai acts as co-author on 2 publications in Nanotoxicology on the transport of nanoparticles across placental cell lines
Dr. Kai Paul is a co-author of “In vitro models of the human placental barrier – In regione caecorum rex est luscus” in Nanotoxicology. http://ww...
Kai Paul Joins Blue Frog Scientific
Blue Frog Scientific Limited is delighted to announce that Kai Paul joined the company on the 2nd February 2015 as a Regulatory Consultant. Kai has re...
Blue Frog Scientific is Attending The European REACH Congress in Düsseldorf.
Blue Frog Scientific will be attending The European REACH Congress on 18-19th November in Düsseldorf. Damien Carson will be in attendance as a delegat...