Exciting news at Blue Frog Scientific

19 Oct 2021

We are excited to announce some changes to our agrochemical team. To allow us to grow and develop our agrochemical team and nurture new clients we have created a new group, Regulatory Agrochemical Services (RAS). The remit of RAS is to develop and deliver new business with a focus on regulatory affairs and full dossier delivery. To this end we have appointed Alistair Morriss to lead the group. Alistair will work closely with Steve Kent our Marketing Director to build the business. 

To ensure we continue to offer first class support to our existing clients Nige Halsall will take the leadership of our key client portfolio.

If you would like to discuss how Blue Frog Scientific can support your business please do get in touch. Alternatively come and visit us at the upcoming BCPC Congress in the UK at the beginning of November. 


#regulatoryaffairs #marketing #plantprotection #biopesticides #team #bluefrogscientific #expertise