REACH registrations – updated guidance for polymers and monomers In brief In accordance with the outcomes of the compliance check case (A-001-2020...
ECHA has released updated recommendations that will support businesses in following REACH requirements and ensuring safe practises in the use of che...
30 Mar 2023
ECHA has finalised it's review of 55 EOGRTS (Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study)
The European Chemicals Agency has finalised it's review of 55 EOGRTS (Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study - OECD 443). This review i...
UK HSE has proposed changes to Annexes II and III of the GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR) to modify it to meet the needs of Great Britain, a...
13 Feb 2023
EFSA publish new Bird and Mammal Guidance for risk assessment of plant protection products
The European Commission asked EFSA to revise the Guidance on the risk assessment for birds and mammals. That guidance described how to perform risk ...
The proposals for the revision of the EU CLP regulation are now publicly available. The legislative proposal amending the CLP regulation. It will...
Earlier in 2022, DEFRA launched a consultation on extending the UK REACH registration deadlines. The much-anticipated outcome of the consultation wa...
22 Jul 2022
Blue Frog Scientific invited by UK HSE to take part in some user research for the Biocides and Pesticides Transformation Programme
Blue Frog Scientific was invited by UK HSE Operational Services Division to take part in some user research for the Biocides and Pesticides Transfor...
On Thursday 31st March 2022, Bryony Ross will present her poster at SOT titled "Assessing the toxicity of engineered nanomaterials in the male repro...
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