Damien Carson

Ecotoxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment ServicesUnderstanding and mitigating the environmental impact of chemicals is critical for regulat...

Understanding a chemical’s fate and behaviour in the environment is fundamental to ensuring environmental safety and regulatory compliance requireme...

Blue Frog Scientific provides comprehensive toxicological support, guiding clients through the human safety aspects of chemical, biocide, and plant ...
Work With Us

At Blue Frog Scientific we are very proud of our team and are committed to diversity, equality and providing opportunities for our employees. We pro...

On Thursday 31st March 2022, Bryony Ross will present her poster at SOT titled "Assessing the toxicity of engineered nanomaterials in the male repro...

Advances in New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) are transforming approaches to chemical safety, offering cost-effective, scientifically robust alterna...

Damien Carson
Co-Owner and Group Director
11 Jun 2019
Kai Paul becomes part of the Steering Committee for the SETAC Nanotechnology Interest Group

Blue Frog's Dr. Kai Paul was honoured to recently become part of the SETAC Nanotechnology Interest Group (Nano IG) Steering Committee. &nb...
05 Apr 2019
Blue Frog invited by the NIA to present on the Webinar series Nano in Business

Blue Frog's Dr. Kai Paul was delighted to be invited by the NIA to present on their popular webinar series "Nano in Business". The w...
28 Mar 2019
Blue Frog attends and presents at the 8th Annual NIA Symposium

Blue Frog's Dr Kai Paul, was invited as an expert speaker to the 8th Annual Nanotechnologies Industry Association (NIA) Symposium. He was invited to...