Management Services

Environmental Risk Assessments (ERA) for human medicinal products – delivered to the highest standards to support safe use of pharmaceutical product...

Specialist consultancy services to support businesses in meeting their obligations under EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and GB Biocidal Produ...

Technical and regulatory support for the preparation of active substance and biocidal product dossiers under EU and UK Biocidal Product Regulations.

Technical and regulatory support throughout the substance REACH registration process – ensuring full compliance with ECHA (EU) and HSE (GB) requirem...

Compliance Experts for Biocidal Products RegulationBlue Frog Scientific excels in guiding companies through the regulatory maze of the Biocidal Prod...

Technical, administrative, and financial management services for the chemical industry.

Image Chemical Regulatory SpecialistsEnsuring Regulatory Compliance in an Ever-Evo...

PFAS consultancy services – complying with the evolving landscape of global regulations and addressing the concerns related to environmental and hea...
Work With Us

At Blue Frog Scientific we are very proud of our team and are committed to diversity, equality and providing opportunities for our employees. We pro...