New hazard classes for substances and mixtures were released by ECHA

Close up on chemicals

31 May 2023

“Three new hazard classes for classifying, labelling and packaging (CLP), came into force on 20th April 2023.

The new hazard classes are:
• Endocrine disruption for both human health and environment in Category 1 and Category 2;
• PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic), vPvB (very persistent, very bioaccumulative);
• PMT (persistent, mobile, toxic), vPvM (very persistent, very mobile).”

The new CLP criteria have been effective since 20 April 2023 however there are transitional measures during which time the application of these hazard classes is voluntary. For new substances on the market, companies will need to implement these rules from 1 May 2025, while for those already present on the EU market, an 18-month transition period is available, i.e. until 1 November 2026.

Mixtures will have a longer transitional period and the new rules will need to be implemented from 1 May 2026 for mixtures new to the market, with a transition period of 24 months allowing for the renewal of classification of already existing mixtures by 1 May 2028.

Until the guidance on applying the CLP criteria is updated (expected in 2024, according to ECHA), companies and Member State authorities can utilise current guidance on identifying endocrine disruptors (EFSA/ECHA Guidance) and PBT evaluation (ECHA R.11, also currently under revision). 

The new hazard classes will be included in the IT tool IUCLID from spring 2024, and from that time onwards, manufacturers, importers, downstream users and distributors can select these new hazard classes in classification and labelling notifications, REACH registrations,  Product and Process Orientated Research and Development (PPORD) dossiers, as well as in the submission for biocidal products regulation and poison centre notification however it is not mandatory to do so until the end of the transition periods discussed above.

For further information, please visit the ECHA website. 

Blue Frog Scientific would recommend that companies should review these changes to ensure their dossiers are compliant – if you require any assistance on this matter please get in touch.

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