Martyn Shenton joins Blue Frog Scientific

Martyn Shenton

25 Jan 2024

Martyn Shenton joins Blue Frog Scientific. Martyn is a Principal Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific specialising in EU and UK regulations such as REACH, POPs, CWC and the developing PFAS regulatory landscape.  Martyn is responsible for the management and delivery of projects for these sectors of the chemical industry.  Martyn’s day-to-day activities include supporting stakeholders as UK and EU PFAS and EU polymer REACH regulations evolve, the preparation and update of technical dossiers and supporting strategic planning/advocacy to assist companies in navigating and influencing the evolving regulatory landscape.

Martyn is a chemist by training with a degree and D.Phil. from the University of York that had a focus on polymers and analysis.  Following a post-doctoral position on polymers at the University of Surrey, Martyn moved to a fluoropolymer manufacturer where he held research, and process and product safety/stewardship roles for over two decades.

Welcome Martyn!