Catalysing Change: Pioneering the Future of Chemical Regulation with UK REACH's Innovative Alternative Transitional Registration Model (ATRm)

13 Dec 2023

Embarking on a post-Brexit regulatory journey, the United Kingdom has forged a distinctive path with UK REACH, introducing the possibility of an Alternative Transitional Registration Model (ATRm). 

This potentially groundbreaking approach, shaped by extensive collaboration between Defra, the Health and Safety Executive, and the Environment Agency, seeks to streamline the chemical registration processes, alleviate industry burdens, and uphold rigorous standards of health and environmental protection. The ATRm, would represent a strategic departure from EU REACH and leverages global insights to identify and manage chemical hazards efficiently. 

The government's ambitious vision includes creating a comprehensive profile of chemical use and exposure in Great Britain, empowering regulators to assess risks, and enabling targeted regulatory actions. Proposals for consultions have been made in: refining information requirements, reducing costs, and enhancing regulatory powers

An intended further consultation in early 2024 promises to unveil detailed policies that signify a paradigm shift in chemical regulation, emphasizing efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.

For further information, please see the policy paper on GOV.UK website. 

If this potentially impacts you and your business and want to know more please get in contact with us here at Blue Frog Scientific.