Blue Frog Scientific invited by UK HSE to take part in some user research for the Biocides and Pesticides Transformation Programme

Lauren Hypson

22 Jul 2022

Blue Frog Scientific was invited by UK HSE Operational Services Division to take part in some user research for the Biocides and Pesticides Transformation Programme, with the aim of this being to develop a transformed and modern digital service for the registration of biocides and pesticides in the UK following BREXIT. Our Biocides specialist Lauren Hypson agreed to take part in the research activities on behalf of Blue Frog Scientific. The first session occurred this week starting with Lauren getting the chance to talk with the UK HSE staff involved in the creation of this new system about the challenges faced by industry and applicants. This part of the session was followed by a chance to explore one of the prototype designs and to give feedback on it to help refine and improve the services. Before joining Blue Frog Scientific as a consultant Lauren has also worked in industry for a biocides manufacturer, and within the UK authority HSE for Chemical Registration Division itself, so she felt she could provide feedback and a unique take on the development and implementation of the new services designed to optimise the processes involved in the submission of registrations as well as hopefully improve the user experience. Contact us for more information on the above or any related regulatory issues. 
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