We have vast experience resolving the complex issues faced by applicants intending to register products and active substances 

Our Plant Protection Products team has vast experience resolving the complex issues faced by applicants intending to register products and active substances. Experienced individuals within the team guide Clients through regulatory obstacles in their respectivee areas, whilst contributing to the overall specialist service offered by the Company.

Working in an ever changing regulatory landscape, the agrochemical team relies on broad industrial experience and a keen eye for detail, ensuring that all of our work meets the high standards expected by our Clients.

Core activities include:

Our services include:

Dossier preparation and regulatory affairs:

  • Re-registration of agrochemicals within the EU (AIR dossiers)
  • Preparation of dRR documents for 3 EU Zones and National Addenda
  • Advocacy with zonal and national regulatory authorities

Study management: 

  • Regulatory testing strategies and study design
  • Study monitoring 
  • Preparation of study summaries 

Since 2010, Blue Frog Scientific has provided scientific and regulatory support for a wide range of active substances and products for all classes of pesticides, including:

  • 30 Active ingredients (50 products)
  • Insecticides
  • Herbicides
  • Fungicides
  • Biopesticides

The Plant Protection Products team has a successful track record registering biopesticide active substances (M-MA) and products (M-MP) under Regulation (EC) 1107/2009, including biologicals, plant extracts and semiochemicals.

The Plant Protection Products team offers a bespoke service to meet the needs of our Clients, from dealing with particular technical specialties to the preparation of full active substance and product dossiers.


CCPD: A Potential Safer Alternative to 6PPD for the Environment

Poster PresentationSOT 64th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoOrlando - March 16-20 2025Abstract:Due to well publicised environmental and human health concern...

Why Blue Frog