Knowledge exchange meeting for the EU project on regulation and risk assessment - GRACIOUS

19 Mar 2018

Blue Frog Scientific's Dr. Kai Paul meets with Heriot-Watt Universities Prof. Vicki Stone, Prof. Teresa Fernandes and Dr. Helinor Johnston to discuss the exciting new EU project GRACIOUS.  

GRACIOUS is a project on Grouping, Read-Across and ClaissIficatiOn framework for regUlatory risk assessment of manufactured nanomterials and Safer design of nano-enabled products.  Blue Frog is a staunch advocates and practicioners of read-across, in silico testing and other alternatives to animal testing.

Moving forward Blue Frog hope to be one of the key stakeholders with regular knowledge exchanges and participation in GRACIOUS meetings to bridge the gap between regulatory processes and academic endeavours. This will push forward the sustainable and practicable regulation of nanomaterials.

Ultimately the project will pioneer techniques specific to nanomaterials that lead to the reduced need for animal testing. Driving forward regulatory processes such as grouping and read-across, and creating a process and hypothesis driven framework for regulatory purposes and safer-by-design nanotechnology. 

Blue Frogs involvement will aid in the key areas of varying EU regulations such as REACH, providing knowledge and experience to help direct the framework.  Blue Frogs involvement will also help the team stay ahead of regulatory movements and processes, and continue to achieve regulatory compliance for its Clients through the application of good science and innovation.