HSE seeks input on changes to data requirements under GB BPR!

10 Mar 2023

UK HSE has proposed changes to Annexes II and III of the GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR) to modify it to meet the needs of Great Britain, and under the regulation there is the flexibility to allow these data requirements to be updated to take into account current scientific and technical knowledge. 

The Annexes in question detail the information that must be submitted by an applicant wishing to apply for a biocidal product or active substance. The proposed updates include changes to the requirements for in vivo studies, endocrine disruptors and mutagenicity amongst others. It is hoped that the changes would reduce animal testing without reducing the quality of testing or the safety of the products involved. 

This is an exciting opportunity for those of us on the other side of the “regulatory fence” to provide feedback in the form of this online survey and consultation. There is still time, but the deadline is fast approaching, the consultation closes on 14th of March. The online survey along with the full details of the proposed technical updates and changes can be found here.