Blue Frog Scientific become the Newest Member of the Nanotechnology Industries Association

19 Sep 2018

Blue Frog is excited to announce that it has become the newest member of the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA).  

Blue Frog will continue to build relations with the NIA and its members, facilitating key knowledge exchanges.  As a member Blue Frog will be privy to communications on regulatory movements for nanomaterials prior to there public release.  The NIA will provide us with another platform to raise and develop important topics in the field as a united voice through the Association.

We will be an active member within the NIA and participate in activities such as the Global Regulatory Working Group and the Nanotechnology Innovation Council.

To find out more about the NIA visit:

Blue Frog's current nano-activities can be followed at our dedicated news page:

To find out how we can help you achieve regulatory compliance for your nanotechnologies and ensure longevity of your regulatory dossiers please contact us.