10th revised edition of Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS Rev. 10, 2023) published

29 Aug 2023

The 10th revised edition of Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS Rev. 10, 2023) was published last month, in English and French: https://unece.org/transport/dangerous-goods/ghs-rev10-2023

The revision contains various new or revised provisions addressing, among others:

  • the classification procedure for desensitized explosives (chapter 2.17);
  • the use of non-animal testing methods for classification of health hazards (in particular, skin corrosion/irritation (chapter 3.2), serious eye damage/irritation (chapter 3.3) and respiratory or skin sensitization (chapter 3.4));
  • further rationalization of precautionary statements to improve users’ comprehensibility while taking into account usability for labelling practitioners;
  • and the review of annexes 9 and 10 to ensure alignment of the classification strategy, guidance and tools on metals and metal compounds with the provisions for long-term aquatic classification toxicity in chapter 4.1.

Implementation will probably take a couple of years or more, since rev.8 and 9 still haven’t been implemented yet into CLP… 

If this potentially impacts you and your business and want to know more please get in contact with us here at Blue Frog Scientific.